Frances Egyptologist Found An “Alien Mummy” In The Great Pyramid’s Secret Chamber

 The French Egyptologist discovered a hidden chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza’s interior in 1988. He assumed that as soon as the pyramid was constructed, the area had been fully locked off, and that nobody had gone within since.

The room contained a number of peculiar artifacts, including papyrus with hieroglyphic writings describing the advent of a message from the stars during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. He asserted that this enigmatic document represented a messenger who had descended from the skies to announce the impending arrival of his “brother of his.”

The papyrus was found in the room, but it wasn’t the strangest item. In addition, she discovered a tiny, translucent crystalline coffin containing the body of a tiny humanoid creature called an Alien. The creature gave off the impression of being. Caparat summoned his buddy, the biologist F. De Braga, who was naturally shocked by his discovery.

With the goal of collecting blood, tissue, and DNA samples from the sample, which Caparat had assured him was a foreign body, Braga boarded the earliest aircraft to Cairo. Braga, however, never made it to the Great Pyramid’s location. As soon as he arrived, he was detained by Egyptian authorities, who then swiftly deported him to his native Madrid. The SSI, Egypt’s intelligence service, then managed to capture the alian monster and transport it to an unidentified location.

The Egyptian government hasn’t made any public statements about this occurrence since 1988. It’s not the first time that explorers searching the enigmatic pyramids have discovered bodies that don’t seem to be human.

There is a very old legend in Egypt about Caliph Abdullah al-Ma’mun, who in the year 813 discovered the remains of an alien humanoid.

Peter Tompkins claims that according to folklore, al-Ma’mun discovered a statue made of stone depicting a man with a foreign body, a valuable sword, a gold armor, and a “egg-sized” ruby inserted into its forehead.

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